How to grow Aucuba Japonica The Spotted Laurel

DATE : 31 October, 2023 TAG: Gardening Advice

All you need to know about growing Aucuba japonica (spotted laurel)

Aucuba japonica, commonly known as spotted laurel, is a tough, hardy, and easy-to-grow evergreen shrub.  It is a useful and hard-working plant that creates structure and interest all year round.  It is one of the few shrubs that thrives in shade because of its large, glossy leaves.  Aucuba grows faster than most evergreen shrubs, but not as fast as some deciduous shrubs.

Aucuba japonica is prized for its large, glossy leaves, which come in a variety of colours and patterns, including dark green, variegated with white or yellow, and splashed with bright yellow.  Female varieties produce bright red berries up to 1cm across in autumn, if a male variety is growing nearby.  The berries usually remain on the plant all winter.  Some varieties bear male and female flowers on the same plant.  Aucuba thrives on almost all soils and is tolerant of polluted air, making it a popular choice for urban gardens.

Aucuba japonica is a slightly toxic plant, and all parts of it can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea if ingested.  Wear gloves when handling the plant to avoid skin irritation, and wash your hands well afterwards.  Keep young children away from the bright red berries, which can be tempting to eat.

How to grow Aucuba Japonica

Plant aucuba in autumn or early spring, when the soil is not frozen.  Choose a sunny, partially shaded, or fully shaded location, depending on the variety.  Keep the plant moist during its first growing season.  Prune if necessary to restrict growth in spring.

Where to grow Aucuba

Acuba japonica is a versatile evergreen shrub that can be grown in a mixed border, a woodland garden, or as an informal hedge where there is at least 1.5m space for growth, they also won't tolerate regular trimming.  Plant aucuba in sun, partial shade, or full shade, depending on the variety.  Variegated types should be planted in partial shade to avoid leaf scorch.  Water aucuba regularly during the first growing season and during hot, dry weather.

How to plant Aucuba

Aucuba grows in a wide range of soils and conditions, including poor soils and polluted air, so can grow in dry shade.  The ideal soil is fertile and moisture-retentive yet well-drained.  Plant in spring or autumn, plant so the top of the root ball is at ground level.  Water well to settle the soil around the roots and keep moist during dry spells for the first growing season.

Caring for Aucuba

Established plants in the ground require minimal care.  Mulching the soil annually with composted bark or garden compost helps to improve soil drainage, suppress weeds, reduce soil erosion, and improve soil nutrition and water-holding capacity.  Plants benefit from an application of general fertiliser every spring, and should be watered during hot, dry weather.

How to prune Aucuba

Aucuba does not require regular pruning, but can be pruned in spring to restrict growth or remove dead or damaged branches.

How to propagate Aucuba

Aucuba can be propagated by seed or by cuttings.  To propagate aucuba by seed, sow seed of female varieties in pots and stand in a sheltered spot outside to germinate and grow on.  To propagate aucuba by cuttings, take semi-ripe cuttings in summer, selecting healthy shoots of the current year's growth that has just started to become woody.

Here are some additional tips for propagating aucuba:

  • When propagating aucuba by seed, the seeds should be soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing.
  • When propagating aucuba by cuttings, the cuttings should be dipped in rooting hormone before planting.
  • Keep the cuttings or seedlings moist, but not soggy.
  • Place the cuttings or seedlings in a bright, but indirect light.
  • Be patient! It may take several weeks or even months for the cuttings or seedlings to root.

Growing Aucuba: problem solving

Once established, aucubas are trouble free providing they are not growing in an unsuitable site.

Brown or black patches

Variegated aucuba can be scorched by direct sunlight, so avoid growing them in sites that get sun in the hottest part of the day.  This is because the variegation is caused by a lack of chlorophyll in the leaves, and chlorophyll helps to protect leaves from the sun.

Here is an additional tip: if you must plant variegated aucuba in a sunny spot, try to choose a spot that gets morning sun rather than afternoon sun.  Afternoon sun is typically hotter and more intense than morning sun.

Wilting leaves

Waterlogged soil is liable to cause rotting and plants may die.

Self seeding

Self seeding can be a problem with female varieties.  Prevent seeding by picking off the berries at the end of winter.

Aucuba is not subject to any pests or diseases.

Advice on buying Aucuba

You can buy a limited selection of Aucuba japonica in most garden centres, and a wider selection can be bought online.

In autumn and winter, aucubas are available as root-balled plants rather than container-grown.  These give better value for money in terms of plant size.

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