Oxeye Daisy Leucanthemum Vulgare

DATE : 29 September, 2022 by Christina TAG: Wildlife Gardening

Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum Vulgare) attracts bees, beneficial insects, birds, butterflies, moths and other pollinators.  It has nectar/pollen rich flowers, and it's seeds are enjoyed by birds and is a
caterpillar food plant.

Ox-eye daisies are perennial wildflowers, they can often be found growing in grassland and wildflower meadows.  It can colonise open ground if left to its natural devices and is a rampant grower in fertile soil.  It has a medium to tall un-branched stem topped by a solitary daisy flower from May through to September.

They reach a height of around 40cm and a spread of 30cm.  They do best in south or west facing positions.  If in a border they look good in the front or middle.  They enjoy full sun and are a hardy plant.  They have a preference for well drained, light or sandy soil.

You can sow them in March and April, either in a pot or directly in your soil, I started mine in pots.  They can be planted out in May and June.

I love growing cornflowers and poppies along side ox-eye daisies.

I sell ox-eye daisies on my website, they are a beautiful addition to any garden with the added bonus of feeding wildlife.

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