Corn Marigold
Corn Marigold
Corn Marigold
Corn Marigold
Corn Marigold
Corn Marigold

Corn Marigold

1 Gram

in stock

Corn Marigold - (Chrysanthemum Segetum)

1 gram (approx.  600 seeds)

1g seed to cover up to 1 sqm

(Shipped within 1 - 3 days)

Position: full sun
Soil: well-drained, moderately fertile, neutral to acidic, light soil
Rate of growth: fast-growing
Sow: March-May or Mid September - October
Flowering period: June to September
Height: 20-50cm

Beautiful, yellow, daisy-like flowers on long stems.

Corn marigolds flower for a long period throughout the summer months.  They are perfect if you are creating a wildflower section in a sunny garden or herbaceous border.  Corn marigolds are also a valuable source of nectar for pollinators.

  • Tends to like lighter soils does best if planted in the spring.
  • Does best when planted as part of a cornfield annual mix.
  • Corn marigolds are annuals and will need the ground to be recultivated each year for the the plant to come back in the following year.

Corn Marigold - (Chrysanthemum Segetum) Garden Care Instructions:

Sow directly onto a bed with freely draining soil that is not too nutrient-rich.
  • Rake over the bed to break up any clumps
  • Scatter the seeds
  • Rake them in
  • Firm down gently
  • Water well until they start to grow

Wilding - let the flowers do their own thing and they will drop their seeds naturally and reappear in the following year if conditions are right.

Herbaceous Borders - thin out to 30cm intervals and keep the bed free of weeds until the plants have become established.  Collect seeds once they are ready to harvest to sow again in the following season.

Deadheading regularly will help to prolong the flowering season.

Sow: March-April or August-October
Flowering: June-September

Further Reading:
Sowing And Growing Wildflowers

How To Cut A Wild Flower Meadow

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